Hello Ladies (and Gents, if you're out there too!),
I have been meaning to write this post for a while now. I actually went out of my way to buy these products, that I didn't really need, so I could post a review on them, so here we are!
I watched Tanya's vlog on her Youtube Channel a while back, and she spoke about this collection so passionately that I felt the need to try them. I recommend you watch that video if you are thinking about buying these because she explains the idea behind each product and why it has been formulated in any particular way really well..certain characteristics may not be for you, but what she says about the products is accurate (which I can say confidently after using them for a good couple of months now).
Selfie Flick
The Selfie Flick is a liquid eyeliner. The packaging, like all of the collection, is very sleek and pretty. It feels like a good quality product. The wand is in the longer part of the tube, which is designed to give it a bit more weight to be easier to control. I see the point of that, but every time I open it it feels a bit counter intuitive, like I've opened the wrong end. But you get used to it, and it does feel quite nice in the hand.
I personally haven't been using this too much, because I prefer a firmer brush to create a flick. The brush on this is very soft and flimsy, and it's just not for me, but I guess some people prefer that style. Everyone is different! I do like the colour of it, very black, and it does last a long time.
7/10 (would be higher if I like the brush, but that's just personal preference I think)
Selfie Sculpt
This is the eyebrow pencil. It has an angled pencil type thing on one end and a spoolie brush on the other. It's a retractable pencil so you don't need to sharpen it. Out of the whole collection, this was my least favourite.
The plastic casing at the end of the pencil kind of got in the way, and I couldn't really see where the product was going, which wasn't too much of an issue because the pencil is quite hard, so not much colour comes out of it. My eyebrow hairs seemed to love the gap between the edge of the plastic and the pencil and decided to stay in there sometimes if they decided to fall/be pulled out.
The amount of colour coming off the pencil was designed into the product to give it a more 'natural' look. But I felt like I needed a little more. I think it would have fared well to have some kind of gel feeding into the brush on the end as well, because brushing my eyebrow with pencil on it doesn't really do much if there's nothing to keep it in place.
I think this product is fine if you use it with other eyebrow products as well (which I have seen Tanya doing in one of her vlogs actually) and the actual colour of the product is nice.
Selfie Lash
Now, I wanted to save the best til' last, to counteract any negative comments I made about the other two products and to leave this post on a high note!
I love this mascara so much!
The perfect amount of product is deposited onto the wand, the actual wand is lovely, and it makes my lashes look really nice and big, but not spidery. I try a lot of mascara's and I don't tend to stick to one because I like trying them out -so I have a lot to compare this one to. It truly is a gorgeous product and one that I would probably repurchase. Also, it's super easy to wash off! It's not waterproof, but I think that's a good thing, because if I'm feeling lazy, I can just wipe it off with a face wipe and it's all gone. It doesn't run in the rain or anything so thumbs up all round.
If you're looking for a new mascara, definitely try this one. It's really good and it looks nice too.
Tanya has done quite a good job on this collection (especially that mascara tho). I think they are to her taste, which is fine...she made it. I also like the fact that she actually uses her own products day to day.
You can tell she puts a lot of hard work into creating and designing her collections and she really does care about the quality of them, so I respect that. They seem like good quality items, and they are priced pretty well. They are normal drug store prices I would say, but maybe on the higher end of the scale. I think the price reflects what you get...you're not just paying for a name with this stuff, if you get my drift.
Tata for now,